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Best Practices Avpstechnologies is Following During COVID-19

Updated: Apr 30, 2024

Avpstechnologies tech following best practices washing hands
Avpstechnologies COVID-19 Best Practice

Here at Avpstechnologies we are keeping up with the latest news regarding COVID-19. We are taking the proper steps required to keep our employees and clients safe during this time.

Our day to day requirements:

- One of our best practices to our clients is to shake your hand upon arrival.  We apologize in advance but for your safety and ours we are  following social distancing guidelines - we will remain six feet away from you.

- Our technicians have anti bacterial wipes and hand sanitizer on hand to keep their hands clean.

We are having our technicians wear gloves and face masks at any jobsite.

- All employees must wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds throughout the day.

If any of our employees are feeling ill  they are staying home and will not be allowed to retuned until after cleared by a Dr. -All  employee check their temperature before the start of a work day regardelss of how they feel.

​If you have any  questions regarding the best practices from the CDC Guides on how to protect your self Click Here

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